About Us


Meet Transglobal Company Limited is the company that handles international shipping. Founded by a group of individuals in line with the experience and expertise Logistics professionals Logistics service in more than 10 years in 2556, with offices located at 262/94 Trio Romklao Village Romklao Rd., Min buri, Min buri, Bangkok, 10510 of experience and expertise in the logistics business in more than 10 years, we have understood the problem. To meet the needs of our customers quickly and efficiently, the company Meet Transglobal Co., Ltd. has focused on building partnerships with many organizations to seek those who have the expertise in both import and export.The company focuses on services that are on time and accurate. We also have to improve the quality of service and efficiency. To build up their capacity to service customers quickly. We also have developed cutting-edge technology. To determine the shipping, and storage. And delivery to customer.